Changing your Major
How do I change my major, minor, or advisor?
Get the fillable PDF form
Download the change of major form (PDF). Note: Fillable form may not work on certain devices.
Complete the form up to Approvals/Signature section
Signature options
You must download your completed form and save it before the signature can be filled in.
PRINT: You can print the form, sign it, and take it to the Chair/Student Success Advisor for their signature.
EMAIL: You can sign with a Digital ID (open the form in Adobe Acrobat), and email the Chair/Advisor.
Email the Department Chair (PDF) or Student Success Advisor at for their signature and your new advisor (see sample email below).
Your email could look something like this:
Dear [Department Chair/Dean or Student Success Coach],
I have attached my major declaration form, which is complete except for the required signature and advisor assignment that comes from you. I would appreciate your help completing this form.
Thank you,
[Your Name]
Deliver or Email the Completed Form to the Registar
You can email the signed form or take it to their office in Yochum Hall.
Meet with your new academic advisor
If you are changing to Exploring, an advisor will be selected for you by Eric Anderson, Director of Career Development. He’ll help you connect with your new advisor.
If you are changing to any other major, make an appointment with your new advisor so that you can get acquainted and oriented within your new major.