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Academic and Professional

Network and focus with others on the same career path. 

These organizations teach you how to network with others, connect your co-curriculars with your career or major, and build your professional development.

Organization Directory

African Student Union

The main aim of the African Student Union is to unite all students of African descent on Capital University’s campus. This unity helps promote and maintain African culture on campus. The organization is open to students of all descent. The goal of ASU is to emphasize, educate and appreciate the culture of the African Continent. ASU will be sharing their cultural experience through their education, activities, and community involvement. Africa, as a continent represents different countries and each country, is very different in terms of culture. ASU recognizes these differences and heads towards bridging the gap between students from various countries in Africa to extending beyond our horizon.

Alpha Chi (All Academic Disciplines)

Alpha Chi is a national college honor society that admits students from all academic disciplines. At Capital, students who have completed 40 credit hours or more at Capital, and are in the top 5% of juniors or top 10% of seniors, are invited to join.

Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice)

Alpha Phi Sigma is Capital’s National Criminal Justice Honor Society honoring students that earn the highest academic achievement in the field of Criminal Justice.

Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre)

Alpha Psi Omega is a theatre honorary society for the purpose of providing acknowledgement to those demonstrating a high standard of theatre and providing a wider fellowship for those interested in theatre.

Aspiring Educators (CSAE)

The OEA Aspiring Educators (OEA-AE) is a unique community within the Ohio Education Association (OEA) supporting undergraduate and graduate students as they prepare for careers in education. This community is active on Capital University's campus, providing members with the support they need to complete their education training and empower them to be active, successful and visible members of their profession.​ The Capital University chapter of OEA AE welcomes all students who have an interest in the field of education! 

Audio Engineering Society

Join us during our studies of audio engineering as we peek our heads into the wide range of opportunities, cool pieces of gear, and wicked awesome opportunities.

Capital Jazz Outreach Society

The goal of the Capital Jazz Outreach Society is to advocate for jazz at Capital, with an emphasis on engaging the Capital and Greater Columbus community. It strives to improve accessibility and understanding, in addition to providing outreach opportunities for the Capital Jazz program. 

Capital University American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) Chapter

The purpose of the Capital University ACDA Chapter is to “provide opportunities for future choral directors to be directly involved with [a] professional choral organization while in college,” 

Chemistry Club

Capital's Chemistry Club furthers the academic, professional and social lives of chemistry majors and minors while promoting service to the campus and community. The club works in conjunction with Tri-Beta and the Life Science Organization, in many cases, to present chemistry demonstrations and provide other service opportunities to its members.

College Republicans

The purpose of this club shall be:

  1. To educate the student body on on-going political issues, voter education, and conservative ideologies.
  2. To advocate Conservative values, including individual self-determination, the preservation of American Institutions, and limited government.
  3. Help in advancing the conservative movement and bettering the communities around us.
Creative Writing Club

The Creative Writing Club is a campus organization intended to promote the creation, distribution, and discussion of creative writing. Members are expected to comment on other member's shared work in a constructive way, and are welcome to share their own projects with the group.

Debate Union

Our purpose is to participate in debates to better our understanding of speech, argumentation and the world. The Debate Union shall engage in debates throughout the year to inform and entertain the Capital campus. We will also bring in relevant speakers to speak on current and debate-worthy issues to members of the Union and the campus as a whole. This portion of the Debate Union will focus on college debaters finding, engaging, educating, and cultivating their peers into debaters on a more personal level than our Ludlum-Forum competition debate counterpart.

Ebony Brotherhood Association

Ebony Brotherhood Association, otherwise known as EBA, is an Office of Diversity & Inclusion affiliated organization. EBA's mission is to support and enhance a positive image of Black men & women at Capital University. Many know Capital University is a predominately white institution. Therefore, EBA was designed to be a proud and visible place for representation for those most underrepresented in Capital. The members of EBA work to fulfill its mission through different programming each year. Our programs emphasize the overall well-being of our members and community- at large through community outreach, mental health awareness, and ally-ship with various campus community members. Many of our events are educational, covering various cultural and socioeconomic issues, yet are enjoyable and memorable for our Black community.

There is a common misconception that EBA is exclusively for members of Black men only. This couldn't be further from the truth. We feel that it is of the utmost importance to be a safe and welcoming organization for ALL members of our campus community to help us uphold the missions and values of our great organization.

Education Society (CUES)

Capital University Education Society, also known as CUES, is a professional and social organization for Capital students who have a passion for Education. Their goal is to benefit students with events and programs by bringing fortha better understanding of the field while also building lasting relationships with those that share this passion.

Human Resources Association of Capital University

This organization aims to educate the students of Capital University about the opportunities that the field of human resources offers for careers and seeks to help the students become more employable using the education that they have acquired. Business majors/minors, organizational communication majors.minors, and/or human resource management minors are strongly encouraged to join, but students from all majors and backgrounds will find opportunities for educational growth and development in this organization.

Kappa Pi (International Art)

Kappa Pi's objectives span from the promotion of art education/enlightenment to organizing people with an interest in art for informal social gatherings, as well as for service and community related projects.

Lambda Pi Eta (Communication)

The membership in Lambda Pi Eta is composed of undergraduate students who have declared an interest in the various fields of communication and have achieved a high level of academic excellence. According to the standards set forth by the National LPH organization, to be eligible for membership, students must have completed 60 semester hours in undergraduate credit courses; have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0; have completed the equivalent of 12 semester hours in courses in the department of communication; have a grade point average of at least 3.25 in these courses; be in the upper 35% of their graduating class; and be currently enrolled as a full-time student in good standing with their institution. At Capital, we have increased the requirements to include: a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5; a communication course GPA of at least 3.5; and a vote of approval by communication faculty, thus insuring that our chapter has only the best of the best. 

Life Science Organization

Our goal for this organization is to help the world become a more cleaner place. We want people to know that in order to live in a cleaner environment, we have to take care of it. As an organization, we work to together to use enjoy what the environment provides us but we have to keep it safe.

Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association

The purpose of the Capital University Chapter of OCMEA is to provide music education majors with an opportunity to interact with current music educators and professionals; learn from others in a way that goes beyond the curriculum; provide mutual support in our academic and musical studies; provide options and connections for post-graduation; and develop individual bonds within the music community on campus.

Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Economics)

The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics and the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities and among colleges and universities. Students who have completed principles of economics (macro and micro) and at least one intermediate economics course, and who have at least a 3.0 GPA overall in economics, are invited to join.

Order of Omega

To recognize those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternity activities, to encourage them to continue along this line, and to inspire others to strive for similar conspicuous attainment.

Phi Alpha Theta (History)

The Phi Alpha Theta honor society for undergraduate and graduate students promotes the study of history through the encouragement of research, quality teaching, publications and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians.

Phi Alpha (Social Work)

The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.

Phi Beta

Phi Beta Fraternity is the only national professional fraternity that encompasses all of the arts. While other fraternities specialize in theater and music, Phi Betas treasure their diversity and recognize that artists of all kinds can learn from each other while supporting each other professionally, artistically, and socially. One of the main aims of our organization is to promote the best in the creative arts and to develop each member both as a person and as an artist. We believe in giving back and offer opportunities both nationally and on the local level to serve your community.

Phi Epsilon

Phi Epsilon is Capital University's chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha. Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, is the only honor society for college and university students of government in the United States. The number of Pi Sigma Alpha chapters on campuses across the country has recently reached 800. Pi Sigma Alpha is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

Phi Kappa Psi

The Ohio-Xi chapter of Phi Kappa Psi is a social fraternity founded in 2010 at Capital University! The goal of this organization is to help better men through the great joy of serving others and to help prepare them for their future in the professional world. 

Phi Sigma Iota (International Foreign Language)

Phi Sigma Iota recognizes outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of any of the academic fields related to foreign language, literature, or culture. These fields include not only modern foreign languages, but also Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, Bilingual Education, Second Language Acquisition and other interdisciplinary programs with a significant foreign language component.

Pi Kappa Lambda (Music)

The primary objective of Pi Kappa Lambda is the recognition and encouragement of the highest level of musical achievement and academic scholarship. The Society is convinced that recognizing and honoring persons who have enhanced their talents by serious, diligent, and intelligent study will stimulate others to do the same.

Pi Lambda Theta (Education)

Pi Lambda Theta was founded in 1910. Its mission is to honor outstanding educators and inspire their leadership on critical education issues. The most selective society of its kind, PLT extends membership to students and professionals who satisfy academic eligibility requirements and have demonstrated characteristics of scholarship, leadership and service.

Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)

Pi Sigma Alpha is dedicated to growing the minds of students interested in the field of Political Science. As an honors society, Pi Sigma Alpha maintains high standards for excellence, while ensuring a community of determined individuals as a resource for students to pursue this field in all forms.

Pre-Dental Club

The goal of this organization is to bring guidance to pre-dental students and give them a connection of people to talk to during the confusing application period that we all face.  It will allow pre-dental students to get more opportunities to learn about dental schools and listen to what advice dentists have to offer.

Pre-Health Association

The Pre-Health Association aims to provide a supportive community for individuals interested in the field of healthcare, including but not limited to students studying in a pre-health specialty through conversation, events, resources and opportunities. 

We are a space of growth and support for all students interested in the healthcare field!

Pre-Law Society

Pre-Law Society strives to connect undergraduate students with leaders and opportunities in the legal community by developing articulate writing and fostering free expressions of open debate on the most pressing legal matters of our time.

Psi Chi (Psychology)

Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology. This organization unites leading psychology majors and minors with each other as well as other resources at the national level.

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

PRSSA is a pre-professional organization that connects students interested in public relations and communications. PRSSA seeks to advance the public relations profession by nurturing generations of future professionals. PRSSA advocates rigorous academic standards for public relations education, the highest ethical principles and diversity in the profession.

ReCap Magazine

ReCap is Capital University's literary arts magazine. We publish poetry, prose, photography, and visual arts. Our staff is composed of well-qualified writers and artists who carefully choose each entry.

Sigma Alpha Iota

Sigma Alpha Iota is an international professional music fraternity dedicated to encouraging, nurturing, and supporting the art of music. The goal of SAI is to stand for the highest musical scholarship, for nobility and uprightness of character, and for the maintenance of friendly and unselfish relations among women and gender-nonconforming musicians in the musical profession. Anyone who identifies as a woman or as gender-nonconforming and has one credit of music (being a music major is not required) is welcome.

Sigma Tau Delta (English)

Sigma Tau Delta believes in empowering people of all walks of life with the life-transforming skills of deep reading, powerful writing, and persuasive rhetoric.

Sigma Theta Tau (Nursing)

Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) is the Honor Society of Nursing. STTI membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing. Membership in STTI provides valuable resources throughout your nursing career, connection with peers, and opportunities for mentoring and making a difference in the future of healthcare. No matter what stage of your nursing career, STTI provides you with resources and opportunities to engage with other nursing leaders and develop your professional and leadership skills.

Sociology/Criminology Society

The Sociology/Criminology Society seeks to foster a fellowship among students within the sociology and criminology majors while serving the community, furthering career interests, and exploring the issues in and applications of sociology and criminology.

Sports Management

The mission of the Capital University Society of Sport Management is to enhance the student experience by:

  1. promoting the support and attendance of university athletic events, 
  2. providing organization members with unique opportunities for professional development and networking in diverse areas of sport management, 
  3. encouraging the growth of the academic discipline of sport management in this university and others, and 
  4. cultivating a stronger university athletic experience by stimulating the notion of the Capital Family.
Student Art Therapy Association (CUSATA)

Capital University's Student Art Therapy Association provides students with opportunities to learn from Art Therapists at symposiums and to interact with various populations through art activities. CUSATA members can create art during meetings, visit galleries, volunteer to facilitate art activities for various Columbus area groups, and participate in campus events. This organization is open to anyone who has an interest in art and/or art therapy.

Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Student Athlete Advisory Committee or SAAC, is an organization at Capital University that focuses on the well-being of student-athletes and the promotion of Capital Athletics. SAAC is an NCAA supported organization that aims to create a successful environment for all students on campus that decide to partake in campus athletics. Participation in a Varsity Sport at Capital University is required for membership, but promotional events are open to all students. Recognizable events and promotions from SAAC include, the Annual Dodgeball Tournament, Pop Tab Collection for Central Ohio Ronald McDonald House, and Game Day Shirts. If interested in joining or learning more about what SAAC has to offer, follow us on social media or contact our organization President!

Student Athletic Training Club

The mission of the organization is to academically and to socially unify the students involved in Capital University's Athletic Training Education Program, as well as other undergraduate university students interested in Capital University Athletic Training Education Program or the athletic training profession. These individuals will be brought together through activities which will encourage scholarship, professional development, social interaction, and community service related events related to the field of athletic training.

Student Government

The main functional roles of CUSG are to fund student organizations, represent the student body and serve as the liaison between the student body and the administration. Each year, Capital University provides Student Government a budget which is controlled by the Legislative and Executive Branches. With it, we fund service learning projects, student organization-sponsored campus activities, charity fundraisers, concerts, and speakers. Our hope is that with our financial contribution and efforts, students will have the means to enrich their Capital experience with meaningful activities in accordance with the University's mission to inspire life-long learners. We also hope that our campus continues to grow and to improve with each incoming class.

As the voice of the undergraduate student population of nearly 3,000, the 30+ member Student Senate makes decisions, which impact the academic and cultural environment of our small campus community. Through resolutions, we suggest policy reform, improvements to buildings and information technology, and academic program reform.

Student National Association of Teachers of Singing

The goal of Capital University's SNAT (Student National Association of Teachers of Singing) is to advance knowledge about the Association and the professions of teaching and singing.

Student Nurses Association (CUSNA)

The purpose of Capital University's Student Nurses Association (CUSNA) is to contribute to foster an environment for nursing students to grow academically, as well as aid in the development of the whole person, including his/her professional role, his/her responsibility for health care of people in all walks of life.

Student Social Work Association

The Student Social Work Association is for social work majors and minors; we act to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and the application within the profession. The organization provides an opportunity for students to be involved in social work activities and service projects as well as encouraging students to be involved in professional organizations, such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). The SSWA sponsors various activities on campus and within the community, as well as advocacy initiatives on behalf of meaningful causes.

Tau Pi Phi (Business and Economics)

The Purpose of Tau Pi Phi is to recognize and honor business and economic students for quality academic achievement.  Specifically, to promote scholarship in the study of business and economics; to encourage the practice of the highest ethical canons in business; and, to foster the social nature of business.


Tri-Beta functions as an honor and professional society for students, particularly undergraduates, of the biological sciences. Its activities stimulate interest, scholarly attainment and investigation in the biological sciences. It promotes the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences through research, teaching, and volunteering on campus and in the community.

WXCU Radio

WXCU Radio is Capital University's student-run radio station. The station is led by a student management team, and has DJs that come from a plethora of majors on campus.