David Reed
- Mathematics
Contact Information
- 614-236-6133
- dreed@capital.edu
- Battelle Hall
Dr. David Reed is the creator of the Attendance iOS app and co-author of Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python and C++. Dr. Reed was the co-principal investigator on two National Science Foundation grants — one that created scholarships for computer science, engineering and mathematics scholarships, and another that supported course curriculum and laboratory improvement to develop courses for a computational science minor. He also was co-principal investigator for a grant from the Keck Undergraduate Computational Science Education Consortium.Teaches
Introduction to Computer Science
Algorithms and Data Structures I
Introduction to Unix
Introduction to Database Systems
Computer Architecture
Software Engineering
Programming Languages
Algorithms and Data Structures II
Introduction to Parallel Computing
Computer Graphics
Operating Systems
Scientific Visualization
Algorithms and Data Structures I
Introduction to Unix
Introduction to Database Systems
Computer Architecture
Software Engineering
Programming Languages
Algorithms and Data Structures II
Introduction to Parallel Computing
Computer Graphics
Operating Systems
Scientific Visualization
Ph.D. in computer science, The Ohio State University
Master of Science in computer science, The Ohio State University
Bachelor of Arts in math and computer science, Wittenberg University