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Steve Bruning

Steve Bruning

Professor, Communication/Director, Convergement Media Center


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Steve Bruning has achieved local, regional, national, and international recognition for his scholarship in public relations. Bruning served on three editorial boards (Public Relations Review, The Journal of Public Relations Research, and The Journal of Promotion Management), has published more than 20 articles in refereed journals (of those 20 articles, nine have been co-authored with students), and has made more than 35 conference presentations. Within the field of organizational communication, he has served as a consultant for a variety of profit and non-profit organizations. Bruning has moderated focus groups, provided research design expertise, and helped organizations understand quantitative and qualitative research findings. In addition to his responsibilities as a faculty member, Bruning also serves as Capital’s Director of Athletics and Recreation.
Introduction to Public Relations
Public Relations Writing
Public Relations Research
Organizational Communication
Oral Communication
Group Communication
Degrees Earned
BS -- Communication Systems Management, Ohio University
MA -- Organizational Communication, Ohio University
Ph. D. -- Communication Theory, Kent State University
Bruning, S. D., & Ledingham, J. A. (2015). Examining the influence of organization-public relationships and organizational identification with a psychological group on institutional affiliation, behavioral intent, and evaluations of satisfaction. In E. Ki, J. Kim, and J. A. Ledingham (Eds.), Public relations as relationship management: A relational approach to the study and practice of public relations (2nd ed.), (pp. 130-143). New York: Taylor and Francis.

Bruning, S. D., & Lambe, K. (2008). Linking worldview, relationship attitudes, and behavioral outcomes: Implications for the study and practice of public relations. Journal of Promotion Management, 14, 139-151.

Bruning, S. D., Dials, M., Shirka, A. (2008). Using dialogue to build organization-public relationships, engage publics, and positively affect organizational outcomes. Public Relations Review, 34, 25-31.

Bruning, S. D., DeMiglio, P. A., & Embry, K. (2006). Mutual benefit as an outcome indicator: Exploring the factors that influence perception of benefit in an organization-public relationship. Public Relations Review, 32, 33-40.

Bruning, S. D., McGrew, S., & Cooper, M. (2006). Town-gown relationships: Exploring university-community engagement from the perspective of community members. Public Relations Review, 32, 125-130.