Student Travel Fund
Student Scholarship travel funds
The College highly encourages students to present their scholarly work at professional conferences or other scholarly forums. Students that have been accepted to present scholarship consistent with the expectations of their discipline may receive support from the College’s Student Scholarship Travel Funds.
Faculty representatives must submit, on behalf of their student(s), a request for travel funding using the online submission process for Faculty and Student Travel. Multiple students traveling to the same event may be submitted together as long as the cost per student is itemized. Applications for student travel support should be submitted using the same timing as faculty travel requests. Late applications will be considered if funds remain available. It should be noted that funds each year are limited and not all expenses may be covered. The Assistant Provost for Experiential Learning may help coordinate travel arrangements when groups of students travel to a single conference.
The maximum award will be $1200 per student each fiscal year. Financial support of student travel is dependent upon the College’s ability to fund eligible requests. In order to manage expenses and provide funding to the widest range of students and departments as possible, the number of funded applications for any one conference and the number of funded students for multi-author presentations may be limited. Students are encouraged to find the most economical arrangements for their travel and to seek additional support through professional associations. When travel is prohibitively expensive (e.g., due to conference location), funding decisions may take into account a student’s class year and/or previous university support of the student’s scholarship travel. In cases of financial hardship, students may petition the Assistant Provost for Experiential Learning for additional funding.
The following apply to Student Scholarship Travel Funds:
- Due to processing requirements, completed applications for support should be submitted at the beginning of the fall semester when faculty travel requests are due and must be submitted to the Provost office at least 30 days prior to the activity. Funding is granted only to students who will be presenting their scholarship at a conference or professional meeting.
- Applications should include a clear description of the project and the student’s role at the conference.
- Applications should include a detailed and itemized list of expenses; where exact figures are not available, a reasonable estimate should be provided.Funds are available for conference registration fees, transportation, meals and lodging. Incidental expenses are the responsibility of the student.
- Payment for all requests will be made primarily through reimbursement. Funds will be prepaid under limited circumstances. As a matter of policy, reimbursement will not be considered without prior approval of the activity.
- Payment for all requests will be made primarily through reimbursement. Funds will be prepaid under limited circumstances. As a matter of policy, reimbursement will not be considered without prior approval of the activity.
- Reimbursement of actual expenses for lodging will not exceed the federal per diem rates. Itemized receipts are required to receive reimbursement up to the per diem amount. All receipts must be submitted within 15 days of return and follow the University travel expense procedure.
- Documentation of acceptance and/or student participation in the proposed activity must be submitted with the application for support.
- Any compensation received by the applicant including, but not limited to honoraria, performance fees, and administrative expenses from other sources must be disclosed by the applicant with the application for support.
- Students who are on academic probation are not eligible for support.