My heart is heavy with outrage, grief, frustration, and deep sadness at the gross injustices that persist unchecked in our society. Recent incidents of racial violation that have become national news are tragic. Some have resulted in the loss of human life, and my heart breaks for family and friends who are grieving such senseless loss.
Injustices such as what we saw last week in Minneapolis are rampant. They keep on coming – day after day, year after year, decade after decade – weakening our collective humanity. Racist rhetoric and behavior have eroded safety for far too many people. And now hope is eroding, too.
All incidents of racial violence result in lasting trauma, not just for those who are directly violated, but for all who are targets of racism and white supremacy just because of skin color. They result in anguish for those of us who are not targeted but who have hearts and minds for justice and kindness and respect for all, regardless of skin color.
We see the anger. We see the hurt. And we must also listen to the cries and feel the injustice as one people.
It is our responsibility to face the facts of systemic racism. It is our responsibility to rise up to work for equality and justice for all who suffer at our individual and collective hands. It is our responsibility to condemn racism and white supremacy in all forms. It is our responsibility to recommit to eradicating divisive mindsets, rhetoric and behavior – in our college, our community, our society, and in ourselves.
Capital is a community dedicated to supporting one another in pursuit of justice. We stand together with all who are targets of racist ideologies and actions. We open our minds to see the rampant injustices near and far. We open our hearts to renounce such injustices. We extend ourselves to educate and catalyze far and wide, so that wherever we go, we are agents of human dignity and inclusion.
In the midst of being forced apart to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and the apocalyptic challenge of the pandemic, we must come together with intentional passion and purpose for connecting across difference and division, enlarging rather than diminishing our humanity.
Now more than ever, reach out to one another. Care for one another. Actively advocate for humanity for all.